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Diageo is a global leader in beverage alcohol with an outstanding collection of brands including Johnnie Walker, Crown Royal, JεB, Buchanan’s and Windsor whiskies, Smirnoff, Cîroc and Ketel One vodkas, Captain Morgan, Baileys, Don Julio, Tanqueray and Guinness.

帝亞吉歐(Diageo)是全球酒精性飲料領導廠商,以其全球性的視野與尊重在地需求和文化,提供消費者許多一流的酒精飲料品牌,包括烈酒、葡萄酒及啤酒等各種領域,包括約翰走路(Johnnie Walker)、蘇格登(The Singleton)、思美洛(Smirnoff)、貝禮詩(Baileys)、健力士(Guinness)、摩根船長(Captain Morgan)及坦奎利(Tanqueray)等150個品牌與產品,帝亞吉歐產品行銷遍及全球180個營運據點,股票於英國倫敦和美國紐約上市。帝亞吉歐台灣分公司在台北、台中與高雄分別設有辦公室,服務全國的客戶與消費者。




HR Intern-This role will support our Human Resources team to deliver the Multi-years talent plans to ensure we attract/develop/retain the right people with right capabilities in Diageo.

Marketing Intern-Support innovation projects covered market, category, consumer, and competition study and partner with manager on launch plan development. Support the development and execution of identified consumer experiential campaign.

Customer Marketing Intern-Whisky trend/channel/product understanding (ACNielsen analysis ,product knowledge ,and price structure analysis). Liquor Store customer/shopper understanding (Customer need analysis/management, Shopper behaviour)


2019-01-21 AM 12:00:00 ~ 2019-02-23 PM 08:00:00



Able to work 2-3 days a week and commit to a 6-month internship for the intern program.

HR Intern

  Accountabilities-Support HRBP to deliver below projects 

  • Employee Keep Walking Award – design, planning, communication & execution.
  • New hire onboarding program – content review, translation & deploy.
  • Diageo Academy relaunch – e-modules implementation & user education.
  • Training & development execution support eg. venue selection, logistics arrangements and on-site support.
  • Group insurance/medical check-up project support.
  • Ad-hoc support to function head.

  Qualifications Required 

  • Detailed oriented.
  • Pro-active and can think outside the box.
  • Microsoft office (excel, powerpoint, word) – basic level.
  • Good command of English.


Marketing Intern


  • Support innovation projects covered market, category, consumer, and competition study and partner with manager on launch plan development.
  • Support the development and execution of identified consumer experiential campaign (ex: consumer mentoring, cross-over cooperation).
  • Lead a study on less-established malt covered market trend, competition, and RTM to explore business opportunity, priority and growth drivers.
  • Monitor and analyse activity performance and make data-driven recommendations.

  You will: 

  • Gain industry and organizational knowledge through daily business interactions and job assignments.
  • Develop business and analytical skill set needed for career in the marketing field.
  • Work in a highly supportive team environment that values continuous learning.

  Qualifications Required

  • Strong leadership to drive progress and achieve result by leading and working with a team (real case needed).
  • Effective communication skills and team work capabilities.
  • Analytical and interpretation skills, with attention to detail and accuracy.
  • Passion about alcohol industry is a plus.
  • Fluency in Mandarin and English .
  • Ongoing Bachelor/ Master Studies, preferably in the penultimate or final year and preferably with business focus.


【Customer Marketing Intern


  • Orientation-Product understanding,Whisky market understanding(ACNielsen).
  • System operation-Liquor Store volume report,Monthly inventory report.
  • Filed operation-Joint call with Sales,Competitor information collection.
  • Evaluation of Liquor Store Promotion/Driver efficiency.

  Qualifications Required

  • Proactive, quick learner, a good team player.
  • Basic in Microsoft office software especially in Excel (can use basic formulas like vlookup, pivot).
  • Good command of English in written.
  • Good at data analysis.


帝亞吉歐同時在倫敦證券交易所和紐約證券交易所上市,產品在全世界180多個國家和地區銷售。更多關於Diageo的員工、品牌以及業績的資訊,敬請流覽。同時誠邀您訪問, 獲取更多關於帝亞吉歐理性飲酒的資訊。

帝亞吉歐大中華區(中國大陸、臺灣、香港和澳門)成立於2002年,總部設在上海。帝亞吉歐旗下的優秀品牌,如Johnnie Walker (尊尼獲加)、Haig Club(翰格藍爵)、The Singleton (蘇格登)、Baileys(百利)、Guinness(健力士)等都深受大中華區消費者青睞。同時,帝亞吉歐致力於將中國高端白酒品牌水井坊帶入國際市場。




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