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TI 透過全球約3萬個頂尖人才,銳意創新,引領技術前沿,同時攜手全球10萬家客戶,致力於為人類打造出更智慧、更安全、更環保、更健康以及更精彩的生活。除此之外,TI把構建美好未來的承諾實現於日常言行的點滴,從研發生產高科技半導體產品,到關愛員工、回饋社會、履行企業社會責任,一切都是 TI 付諸行動,實踐承諾的重要環節。 


目前,TI台灣共計有2千餘名員工。其位於中和的半導體封裝測試工廠,在近1800名各類專業工程師(測試開發、產品測試、製程、品保、製造、設備)及生產技術員的共同努力之下,著重於研發最先進的封裝測試製程,並創造出每年超過30億顆IC的產能,滿足全球客戶在個人消費性電子、車用以及工業市場的需求。自1969年建廠以來,共計已投資新台幣352億元。該廠通過ISO 9001及ISO 14001等認證、頒獲企業內部管控制度證書,並曾獲得國家職業安全衛生獎及企業環保傑出第三名,是TI全球最重要的封測工廠之一。 







Our products and technology 我們的產品與技術 
Welcome to visit for more info. 

Texas Instruments serves the world’s most innovative electronics companies, helping them develop new ideas that change the way we live. By providing semiconductor technologies that promote greater power efficiency, enable more features, enhance performance and deliver more value, TI expands the possibilities every day for how we learn, connect, grow and discover. 

> Analog 類比技術 
With the broadest range of innovative analog chips on the market, TI helps 100,000 customers tackle design challenges so they can create and deliver high-quality electronic products to their own customers. We create innovative integrated circuits for industrial, energy, medical, safety and security applications, and for consumer products that improve the quality of life. For example, we create data converters that improve the accuracy of industrial test equipment, amplifiers that sharpen image and audio quality in surveillance cameras, interface chips that speed downloads of high-definition video files, and analog front ends that make smaller ultrasound equipment possible. 

> Embedded Processing 嵌入式處理器 

TI’s admired portfolio of embedded processing solutions, software and development tools, and responsive design support help our customers create differentiated embedded designs. Our microcontrollers (MCUs), ARM®-based processors, digital signal processors (DSPs) and custom products are the foundation for a broad range of performance, power, peripherals and cost-optimized embedded solutions fueling many of today’s fastest-growing markets, from video conferencing, telecommunications and medical to industrial automation, renewable energy and motor controls. 

> Wireless 無線連接技術 
TI's Wireless business has shaped industry innovation for more than two decades, driving improved performance in consumer-demanded mobile and connected devices, from smartphones and tablets to ultra-thin computing devices, consumer electronics, and health and fitness products. 
The multimedia-rich mobile computing of today’s always-on mobile world relies on the high-performance, low-power applications processor technology offered by TI’s OMAP™ platform. TI's portfolio offers the broadest selection of wireless connectivity solutions, from the multi-radio, co-existence platforms of our WiLink™ solutions to the low-energy connectivity technology supporting a variety of cross-market applications. 

> DLP® Technology 數位影像事業群 

> Education Technology 教育技術事業群 


特休: 第一年即享有13天特休加上2天彈性休假 
保險: 除勞健保外,公司另提供員工團體保險 
健康: 設有員工醫護室提供健康諮詢、定期員工健康檢查,主動關心照顧員工健康。 
餐廳: 中和工廠員工餐廳設有自助餐、麵食、快餐及咖啡廳,並提供餐飲補助。 
福利: 豐富優渥的各式福利項目:含KTV歡唱、盲人按摩、年節及生日點數、婚喪禮金、員工聯誼及各項親子康樂等活動。 
員工協助方案: 提供員工心理諮商服務,給予員工身心靈的全方位照顧。 
教育訓練: 鼓勵員工從事課程訓練及在職進修教育



1. 電機、電子相關科系學士以上學歷 
2. 符合研發替代役申請資格者或應屆畢業生 
3. 良好的中文與英文溝通能力 
4. 預計報到日:2018年9月28日(若有特殊狀況可與HR討論、協調) 

▲Personal Traits: 
1. Curious: learn from every situation and keep an open mind 
2. Proactive: think ahead and take initiative to anticipate needs 
3. Accountable: be responsible for your actions and results 
4. Align: put energy into the highest priorities and understand expectations 
5. Connect: build and leverage relationships to get results 
6. Make it Happen: persevere to overcome barriers and drive for results